Mixed Company to Perform at A Capella Live @ the Parkway

Mixed Company to Perform at A Capella Live @ the Parkway
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No Sub-type
Posted By: Bruce Stasch
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, Mar 10 2025
Minneapolis, MN – Sunday April 13th is the day that three Twin Cities groups will join together to present an A Cappella Live at The Parkway in South Minneapolis at 2PM.  Hosted by Mixed Company Singers, a highly experienced adult mixed-voice a cappella group, the event will showcase a variety of a cappella styles. Joining them on stage will be Minneapolis Commodores Xtreme (MCX), a male barbershop chorus that is an offshoot of the 80-year old competitive barbershop chorus the Minneapolis Commodores. Also singing will be the Red Knotes, an elite a cappella group from Benilde-St. Margaret’s High School in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. 

Hosted by Mixed Company Singers, known for its original arrangements and very tight harmonies, this is the first of what is hoped to be many collaborations with local a cappella groups. “We’re very excited to have both MCX and the Red Knotes join us,” commented Karen Dunn, Mixed Company Chorus Manager. “We look at this event as an opportunity to showcase what we do with other talent groups in the area.”

The Event
The A Cappella Live at The Parkway event is about spreading the joy of a cappella singing. “We view singing as a lifelong pursuit. Someone who is a sophomore in high school is at a very different place than an adult in his/her ‘twilight years’. Anyone at any stage in life will be able to take something away from our a cappella event. It’s great to work with other groups that enjoy this style as much as we do,” said Scott Kvigne, director of Mixed Company Singers.

Tickets can be found at: PURCHASE TICKETS